It’s Friday! 3 minute recipe for an amazing weekend

29 Oct

I’ve realized by now that I’m not going to reach my goal of holding a 6 minute plank by December 19th unless I start practicing NOW.  I’ve also been quite LOUD and BOASTFUL to EVERYONE about my goal, so there’s not going to be any quiet downward revision to 5 minutes, or 4 minutes (which I’ve already held once). Plus, I get so enthusiastic about it when I talk to people that I keep trivializing minutes and increasing my goal.

“If you can hold it 6 minutes, then you can hold it 8 minutes,” my trainer told me. This sounded perfectly logical. “Your’re right,” I agreed lightheartedly, and it was only later when I was really sweating and shaking at about 3 minutes that I regretted thinking that one or two minutes here or there was no big deal.

ONE MINUTE IS A BIG DEAL. So do it before you sit back to relax for the evening. Do it tomorrow and on Sunday. That means that you have three minutes of pure power to charge you up for Monday, and you can be confident about day one on your plank tracker card.

Here’s a look back at my week:

On Tuesday:

Tuesday 9 pm plank - 3 minutes


On Wednesday:

Wednesday 7.45 pm - 1 minute


On Friday:

Friday 5 pm (Swedish time) class plank! Will be exciting to see all the improvements in form as the weeks go on!

You’ll just have to trust me about Monday and Thursday.

2 Responses to “It’s Friday! 3 minute recipe for an amazing weekend”

  1. Sue October 31, 2010 at 9:49 pm #

    I set my baseline on 10/27 I did a 7 min. plank, it was not easy as my arms were shaking and low back was feeling it
    On 10/28 I did 5 min, 10/29 2 min. during class and on 10/30 Sat. I did 5 min. I am my strongest in the morning. Resting Sunday 10/31 and getting ready for Nov.1st to start my challenge my goal is 11 min. but now I am rethinking it,but I won’t change it seems long now. I also agree that doing a little everyday even if you do not reach your original time helps.
    Biddefor, Maine

  2. Kim November 1, 2010 at 11:14 pm #

    WOW Sue! You are off to a fantastic start.

    One word of caution: If you’re starting to feel it in your low back, that’s an indicator to ADJUST or REST. Adjust by drawing abs up (squeeze!) to support your low back.

    But if you’ve been holding for a while and your muscles are fatigued, then knees down and REST. Don’t compromise your technique: your back is too precious 🙂

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