This week, begin to TRANSFORM

1 Nov

It’s Day 1 of the Plank Challenge! 

Did you hold plank yet today?  Did you write your time down on your tracker?

It’s fitting that the willPower word of the week is TRANSFORM.  Plank is an exercise that has the power to transform us.  Seconds at a time, plank makes us stronger, more focused, more centered.

Well, ok, that’s not completely accurate.

The power is not in plank.  The power is in YOU.  Sounds corny, but it’s true.  Plank is just a nice idea until YOU take it and make it yours.  Make it a part of your day, every day.  On December 19, hold your plank with impeccable form for as long as you can. . . and find out what transformation has happened along the way. 

How to do the Plank Challenge:

1. Measure your baseline.

Hold plank with impeccable form for as long as you can.  It might be just 10 seconds, and that is perfectly fine.  Write down your time.

2. Make a decision.

Choose a plank goal.  If your baseline is 30-seconds, consider a goal of  2-minutes.  If your basline is 3-minutes, consider a 5 or 6 minute goal.  

3. Commit.

Practice your plank every day.  Every day.  Even if it is just for 30-seconds, or one minute, while your morning tea steeps.   (Don’t tell us you don’t have the time.  We will not believe you.)  If you’re lucky enough to be in a class that’s taking the Plank Challenge, then you’ll get extra support as you work toward your goal.

4. Track your progress.

We’ve made it easy for you to keep track of your work.  Print out the Plank Challenge tracker.  Put it on your fridge.  Fill it out as you work on your plank.

5.  Share your story. Of course, we want to know how it’s going!  Report back in the comments, or email us at plankchallenge @

Transformation begins NOW.

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